January 6, 2015 Shaan

5 Good Video Marketing Resolutions for 2015

This time of the year is often associated with resolutions, so here we are with a few tips about video making and things to do in 2015.

5 Good Video Marketing Resolutions for 2015

By Shaan.

This time of the year is often associated with resolutions, so here we are with a few tips about video making and things to do in 2015:

  1. Focus on quality

quality-over-quantity-print-1-lgThere are many options to make videos, from shooting your next company event with your smart phone, to hiring a full crew with tons of fancy equipment for a commercial. No matter what you choose, always prioritize quality over quantity, whether in terms of production value (the fancy commercial) or storyline/concept (the fun smartphone clip). It’s not about making as many videos as possible, but about making the right ones. Consumers will appreciate well-done or well-thought videos, and will keep in mind a positive image of your brand. Cheap video services will hurt your image, your business and your sales.
  1. Think globally…

No matter what your business is, video is the best way to communicate with the world, and one that will get you noticed, drive traffic to your platform, and create brand recognition and increase sales.

The numbers are clear:

–       100 million: number of Internet user who watch online video each day.

–       80%: Internet users who recall a website where they saw a video.

–       90%: online shoppers who find video helpful in making buying decisions.

–       75%: executives that watch work-related videos on business websites at least once a week.

Etc etc, and the list goes on … If video isn’t already a part of your marketing strategy, you should at least do a test run in 2015, and measure how it tremendously affects you bottom line.
  1. … But also internally

Video production can be a great tool to communicate among your company and employees . Either for sharing some specific information like new acquisition or change in business policy, but also to strengthen team bonding and the overall culture of your brand. Brand culture is very important to ensure consistency over the different levels of your business, and videos can be a great tool to maintain this internal consistency. Research have shown that emails with a video are being read twice as much than those without one. What about dropping a quick video in your next address to your teams? This will definitely ensure a greater attention to your message.

Internal-Communications copy

  1. Define your goals

Get your marketing horses in line. For better efficiency in communicating a message, your videos must have a clear objective, and a specific storyline that comes with it. Considering that you’ll lose about 1/3 of your viewers by 30 seconds, 45% of them by 1 minute and almost 60% by 2 minutes, you will have better results by targeting your videos to one specific audience at a time rather than trying to make one that says it all.
A few questions can help determine which videos represent a better investment. What do you exactly need? What do you already have? Instructional videos? Brand promotion? Product videos? Where do you first need to invest your money?


  1. Develop strong partnerships

partnershippChoose partners that provide added value for you and run with them. The more your video partners know you and your brand, the more they can create customized and efficient content that will WOW your audience. Creating video is a craft. It takes a deep understanding of your marketing goals, and needs to transform a brief into moving images and sound that resonate with your audience.
The more the craftsmen you hired know you, the better their creation will be.




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